Note: authors must pre-register before they submit abstracts. Payment is only required however upon final registration which can be done after notification of final acceptance of the paper. Speakers must have paid their congress fee 1 month before the congress otherwise their presentation is cancelled and will not appear in the program book nor in the proceedings. Upon abstract submission it is required to choose the field (for instance 'Nano') first and then, if applicable, the special session you submit your paper to. For regular sessions there is no further choice needed.
Click here for abstract submission.
Structure of your abstract:
Title (well reflecting the contents of the abstract and the proposed paper) Authors abstract: must contain -Motivation (or purpose, objective): -Methods: It is obvious that not all manuscripts are "experimental", but even the theoretical ones do have "a method", too - e.g. a simulation model, etc. -Results: Most important, salient outcome(s)
IMPORTANT: -The total length of the abstract will not exceed 250 words. In addition, the authors should avoid using adjectives such as smaller, larger, better, improved, and so on unless immediately supported by quantitative data. -The language of abstracts, papers and presentation is ENGLISH. -After submission of your abstract it is placed on hold for 7 days to allow you to make changes if necessary. Then it is sent to the scientific committee for review.