Thursday Pictures
Thursday May 14, 2015
Download the entire Thursday album here ...you may also download all 2015 ICU images as one large zip file here.
Plenary talk Veslelago-Voloshinov Vitali Voiloshinov has given a plenary talk on acousto-optics and has devoted the first half of his presentation to the work of Victor Georgievich Veselago on negative refraction and metameterials.
Announcement of 2017 ICU Honololu Suk Wang Yung, the president of 2017 ICU Honolulu has announced his upcoming congress in Hawaii. A movie was shown to make publicity of the congress venue and its surroundings.
Oral Sessions Thursday Oral Sessions took place in the different rooms of the congress venue, including Arsenal, Saint Pierre aux Nonnains, the School of Arts (ESAL) and hotel la Citadelle.
Congress Lobby Impressions Thursday Thursday was a day to relax for the congress lobby. The whole week the Congress Lobby has been manned with very motivated persons : John Fritsch, Margaryta Kalancha, Alix Bourgeois and others, including professional hostesses during peak times.
Lunch impression Thursday Every noon participants had an option to take their lunch at Arsenal.
Fun Outside Thursday There was a very pleasant atmosphere on and around the congress venue, particularly on l’Esplanade.
Closing Ceremony with 2017 ICU announcement The next ICU will take place in Honolulu in 2017, from December 18 until December 20. The announcement was made by the new ICU president to organize 2017 ICU Honolulu : Prof Suk Wang Yoon, assisted by Nico Declercq, former president of the ICU and organizer of 2015 ICU Metz and hence Chairman of the ICU. Declercq also announced the abdication of Secretary General of the ICU Ewald Benes and announced the newly elected Secretary General Sigrun Hirsekorn.
RWB Stephens Awards Ceremony The awards have been selected by Prof Wolfgang Sachse and a team of jury members, with final presentation done by Wolfgang Sachse and Arthur Every. The winners of the award were: Eduardo Lopez Villaverde, Wei Qiu, Ninnuja Sivanantha, Mathilde Stevenin, Abigail Swillens. The winners of the RWB Stephens Honorable Mention Awards were: Diego Baresch, Thomas Chaigne, Sid Ali Mansaura, Alexey Salasyuk, Marc Serra-Garcia.
Word by Chef Christophe Dufossé The ICU participants have been thanked by the congress caterer Christophe Dufossé. A loud applause followed. The ICU participants have very much appreciated the very high standards of the meals offered during the congress lunches, cocktails and dinner.
Farewell Cocktail The last social event of the week was the farewell cocktail. It was a time to say goodbye to 700 friends and colleagues from 53 countries. The general impression shared during the farewell reception was that all participants have been very happy about the 2015 ICU in terms of local organization, venue, social events, scientific and technical organization and content; and above all the food was an item that received much appreciation from everyone.
The end After the congress a huge task of proceedings preparation and other administrative tasks were still waiting, nevertheless the organizers were relieved that the event came to an end and that everything during the week had gone smoothly and according to expectations.
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